I was both surprised and happy to see one of my favorite and often featured Useful Tools has recently hit version 6! Path Finder is the ultimate Mac OS Finder replacement and adds so much functionality to that place where we often spend so much time when working in post-production: the Mac Finder. For something so important the Finder and the way we interact and move around the Mac has changed very little since OS X came into being. Path Finder adds very useful things, like a dual-pane viewing window, attributes and previewing right in the app, built-in text editors and viewers, a Terminal mode, its own search options and a ton of customization options. I've been using this thing for years and feel like I only use a fraction of what it can do. Just browse some of the features and you can see all it can do (as well as some of the new features added in version 6). Here's a couple that I really like:

The ability to queue files to copy is nice in a world of so many different camera formats. I never did like dragging five different batches from three different drives into a simultaneous Finder file copy before leaving for the day. Queuing them is a natural idea.

A rather powerful batch renaming tool is now a part of Path Finder. While there are some very good stand-alone utilities to achieve the same task, having this function built in to the app that's helping me transfer the files seems like a natural idea as well.

Path Finder 6 is available for $40 and will be $40 of the best Mac software dollars you've ever spent. Upgrades are $20 and there's a free demo available as well. And check out the Cocoatech YouTube page for a ton of screencasts about Path Finder.