New York design and animation studio Ataboy created this animated white-on-black music video for L.A. duo The Peach Kings. Directors Kris Merc and Benjy Brooke considered chalk and crayon drawings on cardstock and newsprint before deciding to create the entire short in Photoshop. 

Production Company: Ataboy
Creative Director: Vikkal Parikh
Directors: Kris Merc, Benjy Brooke
Story: Kris Merc, Benjy Brooke, Vikkal Parikh
Designers: Benjy Brooke, Ellen Su, Kris Merc, John Bermingham
Animators: Benjy Brooke, Ellen Su, Zeynep Aydogmus, Scott Wilkinson, Arthur Guttilla, Yana Pan, Monika Norcross, Christine Kim
Compositor: Adam Van Dine
Editor: Jeremy Baumann
3D Artist: Emily Zurl
Storyboards: Benjy Brooke
Producer: James Howell
Executive Producer: Karen Hennegan
Song credits:
Recorded at Mophonics Music + Sound in Venice, CA
"Mojo Thunder" Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Josh Marcy
Mastering by Kelly Hibbert
℗ and © Mophonics and the Peach Kings