Adobe is adding social-media integration to Premiere Pro, debuting new features for publishing video directly to social-media platforms from inside the application.

The Social Publishing Panel, just launched as a private beta feature, enables direct upload of videos to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Behance, including scheduling posts and performance tracking. It's designed to help power users upload more video more efficiently and measure the effectiveness of their content more clearly. 

Social Publishing Panel Beta_Recommendations

"We're working to help creators optimize their publishing to increase their videos' performance, and over time we'll be able to provide personalized, data-based recommendations to help them optimize performance and grow their audiences," said Product Manager Bronwyn Lewis during a press briefing introducing the feature.

Users will access the Social Publishing Panel as a Premiere extension that can be docked anywhere in the Premiere workspace. Metadata entry will be context-sensitive, offering fields in Premiere that match the metadata tracked by the different social-media platforms. Rendition Groups allow two or more related videos — typically different edits or renditions of the same larger piece of content — to be grouped together, allowing them to be tracked together as a single asset.

Keyword preset features include the ability to create tag sets — lists of tags that can be saved and then attached to different pieces of content with one click, reducing the need to remember which tags need to be applied to different types of videos. Thumbnail generation is part of the toolset, too. Users can upload a custom thumbnail image, or choose a frame from a video timeline. And posts can be scheduled from inside Premiere Pro so that users don't have to be online when they want their content to go live.


Some of Adobe's Marketing Cloud technology has made its way into the Social Publishing Panel, where performance of videos across different platforms, including views, like and comments, can be tracked and compared, Lewis said.

The Social Publishing Panel is being added to Creative Cloud with today's update — along with a slate of other features, led by the new shared Team Projects, that were first announced at IBC — but only in private beta status, meaning paid Creative Cloud members can apply to become beta testers starting today at Adobe's website.