Canon said today that its new Hollywood Professional Technology Center, announced last November, is now "fully operational" and is taking reservations for on-site camera and lens support and in-person training at its Sunset Gower Studios location. The center is Canon's only facility in the U.S. that can service the full range of Canon lens types, which should make it a critical hub not just for the TV and film markets but also for the company's pro still photography customers.

The center's repair rooms, staffed by experienced repair technicians, include two state-of-the-art camera body and lens adjustment areas stocked with a local spare parts inventory. The precision equipment on hand can tackle repairs to EF series photography lenses and new EF Cinema lenses, as well as broadcast and studio lenses.

If you've got a tech question, repair or training question, you'll need to call and make an appointment first. Canon's come up with what it hopes is a memorable way to store that number in your head: 1-855-CINE EOS. If you're already a Canon Professional Services (CPS) Platinum or Gold level member, you can call the CPS hotline (1-888-CPS-4540) 24/7 and schedule a time.

[photo by Jeff Soffer]