At SIGGRAPH, AMD is demonstrating an early version of Radeon ProRender 2.0, the first major update to its open-source ProRender rendering engine.

ProRender 2.0 is set for release to developers later this year. It includes out-of-core support for heavy geometry, enhanced CPU-and-GPU rendering, and a new shader node system, AMD said.

Additionally, AMD added ACCA Edificius, InstaLOD Studio XL2 and Z-Emotion Z-Weave to the list of applications that feature native ProRender integration.

Unlike other high-end renderers, AMD Radeon ProRender is free and open source, and is compatible with any graphics hardware.

Maxon Cinema 4D has early-adopter status, having built in ProRender support back in 2017. Beginning with the R21 release in September, ProRender in C4D will support node-based materials, volume rendering, and updated motion blue and multi-pass options, AMD said.

AMD also brought the Radeon ProRender plug-in for Blender 2.80 out of beta, including support for Blender native shader nodes as well as ProRender’s Uber Shade Node along with support for rendering hair and AI-accelerated denoising and adaptive sampling. The next beta plug-in version will include AMD’s Full Spectrum Rendering system for the Blender 2.80 viewport, AMD said.


AMD Radeon ProRender infographic.
AMD/Rendered image created by Yan Ge of Imagehost Digital Technology

Full Spectrum Rendering — which aims to support a complete rendering pipeline with rasterized, hybrid, biased-photorealistic and path-traced reality rendering — is also offered as a developer preview in the new Radon ProRender SDK. (The production release is “coming soon,” AMD said.)

Furthermore, Radeon’s Image Filter Library now supports Microsoft’s DirectML machine-learning library for denoising and upscaling, AMD said.

The full Radeon ProRender Developer Suite is a free download with a non-commercial license; the new plug-ins are available from the AMD Radeon ProRender Downloads site.

AMD Radeon ProRender: