If you are trying to get your RED edit around the post-production bottleneck of an online conform from the RED .R3D files then there is a new application to help, Rubber Monkey. What exactly does it do? From the Rubber Monkey website:

Monkey Extract automates the rendering process. It can load an EDL, and only renders the footage from your cut. This allows you to use any combination of editing software and grading platform to grade your RED footage.

I haven’t used the software yet but what it looks to do is use the REDLINE utility that is part of the REDALERT install to render an image sequence from your EDL. This means that anything that can properly cut RED footage and generate an EDL can be used with Rubber Monkey to pull DPX files of that edit for further conforming in a DPX compatible system. It’s a simple concept, one that I’ve used with Crimson Workflow, the difference being Crimson uses XMLs from Final Cut Pro and not EDLs. It’s another tool to help in the RED post-production workflow and that is a good thing.