Entertainment advertising agency White Spark Creative just underwent an extensive rebranding from its previous identity as Smartworks Collective. Based out of a two-story headquarters in Sherman Oaks, CA, with four Final Cut Pro suites and a team of on-site designers, the company tackles everything from print advertising and TV spots and promos to corporate identity and social-media campaigns. “You need to offer a package that includes everything,” says Senior Producer Dominik Radwanski, who brings to the table experience working on promos with the BBC, Virgin, Turner and Fox. “If a client comes to us for promo or print work, we come up with a solution in the social-networking arena, as well. That’s the new frontier for marketing.” Clients include Ubisoft, Capcom, and Feld Entertainment, which produces the Disney Live! stage shows. We caught up with Radwanski for Five Questions about technology and inspiration.

Dominik RadwanskiQ: What are you working on right now?

A: The office is crazy busy right now. We’re working on a major website re-design. We’re also developing new identities and title packages for shows as well as TV spots, promos and sizzle reels for our retainer clients. We have also been having great fun re-designing our workspace to improve the feng shui. We are having a huge “light bulb” art installation installed as we speak!

Q: What’s been the best tool or innovation of the past year?

A: I am blown away by how much HD technology has progressed. We have done several shoots with the Red camera, and we loved it. But now, major networks like Fox are using Canon 5D Mark IIs to shoot episodes of House. I have also seen countless reality shows that are using the tiny Flip HD. It’s wild to think that these small and relatively inexpensive cameras can produce professional images and go where HD cameras couldn’t go before. It’s a brave new world.

Q: What is your most invaluable magazine or newspaper subscription?

A: Without question, the Sunday Guardian. It’s a great British newspaper that keeps me up to speed on what is going back home in the UK and around the world. The arts section gives me the culture fix I crave!

Q: What is your favorite project that you have worked on in the past year and why?

A: It has to be the launch of the new Disney Live! show Mickey’s Music Festival. It’s a fantastic live stage show that launches in Spain and then tours the world — classic Disney characters in a very hip rock concert. It was a lot of fun. We developed all of the advertising for the show launch – TV, radio, online, print, outdoor, direct mail plus VPK and behind-the-scenes content.

Q: What’s the project (film, television, commercial or music video) that most impressed you in the last year?

A: I was bowled over by Syfy’s “House of Imagination” promo campaign. The production values were incredible and the piece was effortless and aspirational. I loved its modular format, which meant it could be broken up and used as station IDs and teasers as well as serving as the main station brand campaign.