Here at StudioDaily, we generally avoid covering Kickstarter campaigns. Too much uncertainty. But sometimes an idea is too weird to ignore. Witness this pitch for a proposed Apocalypse Now videogame being developed by director Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope, Framestore Ventures, and the Ringling College of Art + Design. "Today I've been joined by new daredevils — a team who want to make an interactive version of mine and John Milius's story that puts you in the middle of the Vietnam War … it's about not getting killed rather than being a killer — until you reach Kurtz," Coppola says in a video promoting the project on its Kickstarter page. "I remember telling my editor Walter Murch that the more he worked on Apocalypse Now the crazier he would get. If you experience this game, perhaps it will have the same effect on you."