Now small-format HD cameras can get up close and personal. For those
looking for a tele-converter offering even greater magnification than
the popular Century 1.6X, Schneider Optics is marketing several new
Century Pro Series HD 2X Tele-Converters for the Panasonic HVX200, as
well as the Sony HVR-Z1U and FX1 camcorders.
The new 2X model mounts to the camcorder lens front to effectively
double focal length range in the telephoto direction, while maintaining
the original F-stop at full telephoto. Equipped with a bayonet mount,
the unit comes with a lens support slider for mounting on standard 15mm
support rods. It also offers a 105mm diameter front for compatibility
with existing shades, matte boxes and accessories.

The company said a deep lens shade is vital to minimize flare and stray
light, so the new attachment ships complete with a lightweight round
shade with a built-in rectangular mask. For greater protection, the
face of the unit offers 102mm threads for direct attachment of
Schneider 102mm clear UV filters.

The new tele-converters list for $1,495, including support slider and
lens shade. For more information, visit