jemrally1.jpgIf you are not already aware, there have recently been new restrictions posed by the Mayor’s Office of Film of New York City that will undoubtedly hinder the ability of filmmakers who want to shoot in and about New York City. The new rules, aimed at restricting small, low-budget film production teams (and even photographers), will include “requiring any group of two or more people who want to use a camera in a single public location for more than a half hour (including setup and breakdown time) to get a city permit and $1 million in liability insurance. The regulation would also apply to any group of five or more people who would be using a tripod for more than ten minutes, including setup and breakdown time.”

As expected, a petition has cropped up, now with over 28,000 signatures, but today is the final day to act if you wish to join in the fight and sign against the new regulations.  For more information regarding the debate, check out Picture New York.