Supporting Players
Why tripods and why now? This is the second time we’ve put a tripod, all by itself, on our cover. Frankly, we should do it more often. With the recent frenzied focus on new lighter-weight, handheld cameras- and the wide range of amazing options- it’s easy to forget that your arms weren’t meant to do all of the heavy lifting. It’s also a relief to step back from those tough, high-ticket decisions and consider an affordable investment that is meant, by design, to last you a very long time.
As David English found out in his feature about the technology behind the tripod manufacturing process (page 25), not all tripods are made alike. But if you do your homework and invest in a product that’s earned a reputation for strength, agility, portability and, above all, endurance, that set of sticks could be your primary supporting player, no matter what you decide to shoot with.
Maybe that’s why tripods don’t get the attention they deserve- you buy one and then forget about it, until it breaks or, worse, you push it beyond its limit by loading on more than it can handle. Different cameras do require differently engineered tripods, and one size doesn’t always fit all. But thanks to improving technology, there are surprisingly affordable products that can stay with you through a variety of shoots and support a range of cameras. If you’re still intent on sticking with one set of sticks, read the sidebar on page 28 for some valuable advice on the right way to make your primary tripod bear an extra load.
Have you been distracted too long by dreams of the perfect camera? Admit it: your kit has suffered as a result. Time for an annual Feeley-suggested infusion of everyday tools that pull your kit from the Dark Ages into the Age of Enlightenment (page 40). Jim’s back in this issue with his annual list of basic, necessary and refreshingly inexpensive pieces of support gear for your mind and for your camera.
Peace and best wishes for a wonderful, contemplative or wildly creative holiday season.
– Beth Marchant, Editor-in-Chief