Monday was a day of attending a couple of classes, one on multi-camera editing and one on trouble shooting a Final Cut Pro system, and just taking in the exhibition floor. The first impression of the exhibition floor is …. HUGE. Anyone attending NAB for the first time will probably be overwhelmed, as I was. I think the best thing to do on the floor is to have a plan for what you want to see. I did get a look at AJA’s implementation of Look Up Table (LUTs) in the next release of the Kona software that is geared toward getting an overall look onto RED footage. I was going to check out the RED tent but the line stretched down the aisle and I didn’t want to wait. Too much more to see and that line will thin out as the week goes on. Both the Sony and Canon booths have every camera they make set up and pointed at a scene so you can kick the tires. The B&H Photo booth has done the same thing. I also learned that Google has a radio automation product. Didn’t know that.

 Today it’s off to an Avid meeting then back to the exhibition floor to walk around and meet people. And probably learn about some new products as well. NAB continues ….