Working on a DI at Company 3? Deluxe Entertainment Services hopes you'll let Method Studios, which shares an Arizona Avenue address with C3, handle all your stereo-3D alignment fixes at the same time.
Of course, Deluxe owns both Company 3 and Method Studios, which explains the newfound synergy. But Method’s 3D guru Steven Shapiro says it makes sense to integrate stereo fixes with the DI process. “If any [right-eye/left-eye] alignment issues come up during grading, we can literally walk down to Company 3’s DI theater located within Method’s Santa Monica facility, ascertain the problem, fix it, and drop it back into the timeline while the color-grading session continues,” he said in a prepared statement.

Deluxe recently purchased 2D-to-3D stereo conversion specialist StereoD, staking a claim in the field of stereographic post.