Director Tom De Cerchio of Incubator Films steps up to answer Five Questions (well, not really).
1. What are the biggest challenges/threats facing the industry in the near future?

Clearly the biggest threat to the commercial production business is the fact that North Korea now has the bomb. I'd like to announce today that we at Incubator also have the bomb and if Kim Il Sun or MJZ try anything, we're not afraid to use it.

2. What are the industry’s biggest strengths at the moment?

The strides made in Craft Service are unparalleled (e.g., miniature hot dogs in a bun).

3. What upcoming trends could change the way people in this industry work?

There seems to be this new trend of people actually pulling their heads out of their asses. We at Incubator haven't tried this yet, but we're considering it.

4. What was you favorite project (film or TV show) that your company worked on in the past year? Why?

Burger King with Crispin. It was a lot of fun to have a guy completely destroy his own apartment.

5. Name the top 4 artists in your Ipod?

Yoko Ono (gotta love all that screeching)
Petula Clark
Celine Dion



Recent Project
Tom De Cerchio Calls In His ‘Dye Marker’ For Bud Light

How does a regular guy, with no elaborate
security devices at his disposal, protect what is most dear to him? He rigs his sixer of Bud
Light with explosive capsules full of orange dye, naturally.

Production Company: Circle Productions/Toronto
Director: Tom De Cerchio (US Representation:
Incubator Films/Los Angeles)
EP, Circle Productions: Karen Tameanko

EP, Incubator Films: Billy Baughman
Producer: Danielle Lyons

Agency: Downtown Partners/ Toronto

Creative Director: Dan Pawych
Copywriter: Andy Linardatos
Art Director: Hylton Mann
Account Supervisor: Sheng Sinn
Agency Producer: Anne Marie Martignago

Editorial: Panic & Bob/Toronto
Editor: Andy Ames
Producer: Samantha McLaren

Post/Effects: Performance Solutions/Toronto