Editor Geoff Hounsell at Lost Planet steps up to answer Five Questions.
1. What are you working on today?

A Hummer job for Modernista.

2. What have you found is the best tool or innovation that has come out in the last year?

Hasn't come out in the past year but has gotten more and more useful is editing on laptops. It allows you to work very fluidly and not feel strapped to the office. Going to set helps occasionally, although we are in the way a lot of times. Being able to screen dailies at home is nice…even helpful when traveling. No downtime.

3. The project (film, television, commercial or music video) that most impressed you in the last year? Why?

Two movies.
Squid and the Whale. Great movie. Great story.
Grizzly Man. Watching it unfold, couldn't wait to see what would
happen next. Can't ask for more from a movie, documentary or otherwise.

4. The best or favorite project that you worked on in the past year? And why?

A job that wasn't the most editorially challenging but fun because it was a process no one on the job had done before was the Brawny Man Web Greeting Cards with Fallon. It was fun figuring stuff out as we went.

A job that was a challenge from an editing standpoint was a Montana Meth project I worked on or Hummer Vertigo. Challenging for different reasons. Vertigo from an effects standpoint. Montana Meth from a content standpoint.

5. Name the top 4 artists on your iPod?

The Books
Jamie Lidell
Prefuse 73
Ian Brown