Integration provides uncompressed playback of composited content

IRIDAS, the industry pioneer in uncompressed playback technologies, announced that FrameCycler Professional 2006 is included with each seat of NUKE v4.6, the newest version of the high-end compositing software recently released by D2 Software. With this integration, NUKE artists can launch FrameCycler Professional 2006 from within NUKE to review composites in real-time right on their desktop. The bundle is available for the Windows XP, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Along with proven review and image analysis capabilities, the new special edition of FrameCycler Professional 2006 offers multiple playheads so that NUKE artists can compare different parts of a timeline. The industry-leading playback application also provides improved support for Open EXR, allowing users to take full advantage of features available with that file format. With FrameCycler’s new drag-and-drop timeline, users can quickly build playlists and load other shots alongside current NUKE projects.

Dominick Spina, Product and Operations Manager for D2 Software said, “Open EXR is the basis for the NUKE workflow, and with FrameCycler’s enhanced support for the format, artists have an even more fluid compositing workflow within the NUKE environment.”

“FrameCycler Professional has been bundled with NUKE for four years now and we have many customers working with it every day,” said IRIDAS CEO Lin Kayser. “Some of the very best work in the industry is done with NUKE, and we’re proud to be continuing our collaboration with D2 Software with this new release.”
