Jon Pearce creative director of Team One steps up to answer five questions.
1. What are you working on today?

We’re finishing a campaign to bring people into Lexus dealerships. It’s the first big effort outside of the two sales events we have each year to be so focused on getting people to try out a Lexus.

2. What have you found is the best tool or innovation that has come out in the last year?

There are tons of online innovations to consider, but one “old school” advancement that is filling the pockets of the outdoor media companies is the electronic billboard. Here in LA, you see them popping up everywhere. It allows a company that may not have been able to afford outdoor to get their message out there, since they’re paying for fractional ownership of the board. And it allows the companies to pull in a lot more money from multiple advertisers rather than just one. The jury’s out as far as how annoying/distracting they are. It all depends on where they’re placed.

3. The project (film, television, commercial or music video) that most impressed you in the last year? Why?

I thought the takeovers of the 7-11s for the Simpson’s movie was the best out of home effort. It got press, major buzz, and literally created lines out the doors of 7-11. That, and all the merchandise being offered for a premium on eBay, made it not only a really great return on investment, but very integrated as well.

4. The best or favorite project that you worked on in the past year? And why?

Actually, this “power of h” campaign has been both the biggest challenge and the most rewarding. It’s different than a car launch, where you need to get across certain new features and a general positioning of the vehicle. This is a platform that expresses a point of view from Lexus. It’s how they developed the three hybrids they have today, and how they will continue to develop alternative power solutions for the future. We’re approaching it in stages: the first is to sensitize people to the existence of the little “h” on the backs of the vehicles. The next will be to bring that “h” to life in terms of what it represents and how Lexus as a company behaves when it comes to technology and the future.

5. Name the top 4 artists on your iPod?
Peter Bjorn and John
Arcade Fire
Andy Bey and the Bey Sisters
Rodrigo y Gabriela

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