Imagineer Systems has just announced a new discount pricing program for universities, film schools and the increasing number of high schools now offering classes and full-fledged programs in filmmaking. Through its new Imagineer Systems Authorized Education Partner Program, the company will offer two options of academic pricing on an annual renewal fee basis.

The first option is a single, fixed price per seat (node or float for mocha Pro v3 EDU, which is $199 per year. The second option will give larger institutions up to 50 floating seats of mocha Pro v3 for $5,000 per year.

Students and faculty departments, including employees at nonprofit organizations, are all eligible for the discount. In order to qualify, schools or students must provide written proof of eligibility by submitting a school ID or nonprofit certification.

If you'd like to refresh yourself with some of version 3's new features, check out mocha V3's 3D Camera Solve module in action here.

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