Remotely controlling the Canon XL H1

Q: I have just read the article on the new Canon HDV camera
(HD/Studio, September 22). Will this camera have a problem with
focusing? I know the JVC GY HD100 camera has a device to focus HD
subjects. Does Canon have the same?

– Everette (via email)

I assume the question is about electronically controlling the focus remotely.
The Canon XL H1 has an HD autofocus system built into the 20x lens that
is included in the standard kit. The JVC kit includes a mechanical lens
that does not have autofocus. Both camcorders have the option of adding
an optional third-party, geared remote focus unit (usually called
"follow focus" or "pull focus").
The XL H1 has two options for remotely controlling focus:
  • Focus (and other functions) can be controlled through the LANC
  • terminal by using a Canon controller (the one for the XL H1 is the
  • ZR-2000), or a third party LANC controller.
  • Focus (and other functions) can be controlled through the IEEE1394
  • (FireWire) terminal. Canon has released an optional software program
  • called Console that, as one of its functions, controls the focus.