Ki Pro Bridges Gap Between Camera Acquisition and Post, Recording Directly to the Apple ProRes 422 Codec

AJA Video
Systems, a leading manufacturer of professional video interface and
conversion solutions, today announced Ki Pro, a portable tapeless video
device that records files to the Apple ProRes 422 codec directly from
camera. Ki Pro provides a new way of connecting production and post with
its extensive analog and digital connectivity; virtually any video and
audio source can be fed into Ki Pro to record pristine 10-bit ProRes 422
media that is then immediately available to edit within Apple's Final Cut
Studio. Ki Pro will be on display at the AJA Booth (SL2513) at the National
Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Convention at the Las Vegas Convention
Center from April 20-23, 2009.

“Since its introduction two years ago, Apple ProRes 422 has become the
codec of choice for professional editors,” said Richard Townhill, Apple’s
director of Video Applications Marketing. “AJA’s Ki Pro is the latest
product to provide support for ProRes 422 natively in hardware, and for the
first time delivers immediate access to the 10-bit, full raster ProRes 422
codec directly from camera.”

Ki Pro allows filmmakers, broadcasters and video professionals and
prosumers to skip the process of re-rendering to an editing codec by giving
immediate access to full raster edit-ready ProRes 422 files directly from
camera. Ki Pro records hours of media to a removable storage module with
built in FireWire 800 or to 34mm ExpressCard Flash. The device is a small,
portable unit that can sit on a table, in a bay or mounted between a camera
and tripod. Ki Pro is also ideal for on-set monitoring, providing instant
access to multiple display devices simultaneously.

Core Ki Pro Features:
– Record hours of pristine ProRes media to a removable storage module
with built-in FireWire 800, or to 34mm Expresscard Flash, for
immediate editing and file access.
– Record natively to Apple ProRes 422 for full raster 10-bit 4:2:2
HD and SD.
– Bridge proprietary compression schemes by recording to Apple ProRes
– Connect any digital camera via SDI or HDMI, or any analog camera with
multiple input options.
– Convert in real time from SD to HD, or 720 to/from 1080, in full
10-bit quality.
– Extend client review capabilities with simultaneous recording to
camera and to Ki Pro.
– Extend productive life of existing cameras and embrace future
workflows with powerful conversion capabilities.
– Built-in WiFi and Ethernet for complete control via a web-browser, or

For a complete set of features and technical specifications, please visit

Ki Pro is priced at $3995 US MSRP and will be shipping in June of 2009. Ki
Pro is a standalone unit that includes the Ki Pro Recorder, Ki Pro HDD
Storage Module and an AC Adapter. Product options include: an Exo-Skeleton
for mounting between camera and tripod; Ki Pro SSD Storage Module; extra Ki
Pro Hard Drive Storage Modules; Ki Pro Rod Accessory Kit adding endplates
to the Exo-Skeleton; and an AJA Lens Tap Cable Accessory allowing Ki Pro to
connect between the lens tap control connector and a camera body.