This tutorial, from Stereo3D Toolbox creator and stereographer Tim Dashwood, shows you how to work with stereo footage inside Final Cut Pro X with Dashwood's recently updated plug-in suite Stereo3D Toolbox LE v.3.0.
Dashwood explains how to use his plug-in suite to sync footage from both Panasonic's 3DA1 camcorder and the ARRI ALEXA and create stereo-pair compound clips for stereo3D editing within FCPX. Final Cut Pro X supports 3DA1 footage natively, so there's no transcoding involved.

Stereo3D Toolbox LE's new Left Nest and Right Nest plug-ins, as well as a new Anaglyph Outline Mode, simplifies the process of syncing, checking and correcting 3D disparities in FCPX to a few easy steps. Dashwood also shows you how his tools work in After Effects, Motion and Final Cut Pro 7.